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Tijdschrift PROCES

Vernietigende arresten

Het ‘sec’ vernietigen van bijzondere voorwaarden in cassatie door de Hoge Raad

Trefwoorden cassatie, Hoge Raad, bijzondere voorwaarde(n), strafrecht
Auteurs Sam van den Akker

    The Dutch Supreme Court has the power to destroy a penal condition if a lower court imposes those conditions contrary to the law. Problems may arise when the Supreme Court solely destroys the condition. In that case there is no longer an imposed condition, which can be contrary to the meaning of the lower court. It can even derogate the imposed sentence, whilst the convicted is not obligated to conform to those conditions. That problem can – in extreme cases – harm society. Even so can be said that those decisions of the Supreme Court are not in favor of the convicted.

Sam van den Akker
Mr. Sam van den Akker is strafrechtadvocaat bij Baumgardt Strafcassatie Advocatuur.